2024-25 Theme

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Join New Milford Rotary

Rotary International is one of the largest service organzitions with clubs through the world. Rotary is the only service organization to have a representative to the United Nations.

Locally, New Milford Rotary provides funds to many local organizations and undertakes projects for the betterment of the New Milford and world communities. Each month our club presents an award to the high school "Student of the Month". We sponsor an international youth exchange program, and provide scholarships to high school graduates for further education, among many other programs.

Rotary sponsors an Interact Club at New Milford High School. The Interact Club is Rotary's high school club. Interact Clubs follow the "service above self" principles that guide Rotary clubs worldwide.

New Milford Rotary has "adopted" a small park in town at the intersection of Bridge and East Streets, which the club maintains.

New Milford Rotary is a sponsor of the Senior Fishing Derby. Started by Art and Ellen Palmer in 1993, volunteers offer a day of fishing to local nursing home residents. After fishing for a couple of hours, lunch is served, and all participants receive a trophy.

Rotary International is the leading organization in the fight to rid the world of Polio, a campaign that was started by Rotary in 1985. Rotary not only helps fund the effort, but Rotarians volunteer to work on Immunization Days to help reach children in effected countries. This campaign has recieved major funding from the Gates Foundation.

The motto of Rotary is "Service Above Self". Members are expected to follow the "4-Way Test"::

Of the things we think, say or do

  1. Is it the TRUTH?
  2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
  4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

Rotary membership is open to business and professional people, and is by invitation. Our weekly meetings are open to visitors.

If you are interested in learning more about our club, review the information on this site, contact any Rotary member or contact us by email. Also, visit Rotary International's Website for more informaiton.